It’s no secret that children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) often experience hyperactivity and inattention. Many kids across America are diagnosed with ADHD, and one of the most prevalent symptoms is excessive motor activity or hyperactivity.
Inattention and hyperactivity are often the most troubling symptoms for parents of children with ADHD because they can interfere with a child’s ability to get along at home or school.
The symptoms for hyperactivity include restlessness, fidgeting, and difficulty at paying attention. Hyperactive children often lose their temper easily, and this can lead to more problems.
There are many disorders that can result from supplements for adhd including obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, and conduct disorder (CD). These disorders can also impact a child’s routine in school as well as their social interactions with friends.
Although the causes of ADHD disorders are not known, there are many recognized risk factors. One important risk factor is allergies that can be present in a child’s home (environmental factors). These allergies can lead to hyperactivity, inattention, or even asthma.
ADHD is diagnosed when there is evidence that the child has poor concentration and/or school performance. Diagnosis can also be based on signs of hyperactivity.
There are many treatments that can help the child with ADHD. These treat the symptoms and improve the child’s ability to interact with others. Of course, treatment is always recommended by a physician or mental health professional.
Proactive steps
Encouraging a child to be active and move around has been shown to prevent ADD/ADHD later in life. Experts believe that children with ADHD often find it difficult to sit still and be quiet. They can move around constantly, even when at rest.
When ADHD is diagnosed, a child may lose focus and pay less attention in class or during homework assignments. Aside from the challenges posed by ADHD disorders in school, there are also challenges at home.