Before buying a car a few things will benefit you and make it easier for you. There is lots of information in the report which is given to the customer after total car check and looking into that report you can get the information of the car since the beginning of the car launch and this report details every information whatever you need.
The information which they provide includes many things in total car check like model number of the particular car, where it is manufactured and when is it manufactured and type of fuel which is used in that vehicle and whether the particular vehicle is paying road tax or not and whether the vehicle runs smoothly or not, mileage detail of the particular car and main information bis about whether any police case is there on the particular car in previous years and this can be known by him, and any left over outstanding balance left , changes of the number plates when did they change and from what number to what number they changed and why they changed and when they changed all information is recorded here and details of scrapping also mentioned whether the vehicle and various options are listed and made ticks like whether the vehicle can be scrapped or which cannot be scrapped , any colour changes are done to vehicles or not , any number plate changes if done are recorded and along with detailed information, and if whether any mileage complaint is there or not and if it is there what is the complaint is recorded.
And if the person took Finance even the information about it is recorded and in that information you can find out whether any outstanding finance is present and what type of finance did they take and what is there in the agreement and when wa it signed and when will it end and from which bank or insurance company they have taken everything is provided over there.
Even details about the looks of car is also given here that is the style of car and model of car and glass of the car and who is the manufacturer of the car and in that company which model car along with when it got manufactured and from when sales started and the inside of the car is also given how many seats and capacity of the car and size of seat width and height at different places and other additional benefits , no of doors of the car is mentioned and how much capacity engine is used and what type if fuel is used in it everything is recorded in detailed here so that whatever information you need I can be known to known to you within few minutes.