It is not that rare to see a family get divorced in this day and age. This is a sad but true look into how the world is shaping up nowadays. That being said, this can only get worse for those children that have to suffer through this tough and confusing time. They are often the most affected amongst everyone else in this whole fiasco.
That is why it is vital that you understand the importance of both visitation and custody rights. These are important rights that need to be expressed when it comes to managing one’s child. Always remember that, as parents, you have equal rights to your children until full custody has been approved.
This is the most crucial part of managing and consoling the services of a child custody lawyer Houston. They are the only people that can help give you the best chance at receiving either full custody or at the very least visitation rights to your child. But before that, it is important to note what the difference between those two is. Here is a guide to understanding the value of custody rights and visitation rights.
Custody Rights
This is the more important aspect of ownership rights to being the parent of your child. Full custody means that the child is legally fully entitled to only one parent. This would mean that the remaining parent would lose all right to dictate the future of their child. That would mean that all large-scale decisions going forward can be made entirely by one parent. All of this can officially be done without even consulting the latter parent’s opinion as they do not have any custody anymore.
That being said, they may still be awarded the right for visitation by the court if deemed fit. This is, of course, depending on the ruling of the judge in question.
Visitation Rights
The term visitation implies that the parent in question can only see their child in a visitation manner. This does not grant the parent custody of the child but it does allow them to see them for a certain period of time.
Do note that most judges would try to allow at least some visitation rights to most parents. This is important as it has been proven that a child without a father or mother tends to behave a bit worse than those with both. As such, it is crucial for a child to be with the presence of both for as much as possible. Even if the other parent can only have limited visitation, that is still enough to help make the child’s growing up the process feel better.
All of these can be further explained and clarified by a professional child custody lawyer.